We offer a full refund on our product, up to 30 days after receipt of your purchase. To be eligible for a refund, you must follow the steps below:

STEP 1: Contact us at to request an RMA (return merchandise authorization). We cannot accept your return and issue a refund without an RMA clearly labelled on your return.

STEP 2: Ensure you return the product in its original packaging.

STEP 3: You are responsible for return shipping. If the product(s) you are returning exceeds a $75 value, we recommend including a tracking option or shipping insurance as an additional security measure.

STEP 4: After receiving your return to our designated address provided to you, we will verify the contents and your proof of purchase. We will send you an email confirming the status of your refund. Please allow 5 to 10 calendar days for this step.

STEP 5: Once your refund is approved, your purchase will be refunded to your original method of payment, unless you have advised us otherwise. Please allow 48 to 72 hours after receiving our confirmation email for the refund to display on your credit card or bank account.